    HomeEntertainmentEniola Ajao apologises for naming Bobrisky best-dressed female at event

    Eniola Ajao apologises for naming Bobrisky best-dressed female at event

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    She also announced two women as the new best dressed females.

    Nollywood actress Eniola Ajao has apologised to Nigerians for the series of events that unfolded after choosing trans woman Bobrisky as the ‘Best Dressed Female’ at the Beast of Two Worlds movie premiere.

    On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the actress took to her Instagram account to take responsibility for the controversy and drama that stemmed from the movie premiere.

    She began, “Dear Esteemed Members of the Public, I write to you today with a heavy heart, filled with regret and remorse over the events that unfolded at my movie premiere, BEAST OF TWO WORLDS ‘AJAKAJU,’ #ajakajuthemovie on Sunday, 24th March, 2024. I address you all today, taking full responsibility and seeking your pardon with my deepest regrets for the distress and turmoil caused by the events surrounding the selection of Best Dressed at the premiere of ‘AJAKAJU.'”

    The actress apologised to the Muslim community, stressing that she respects the significance of the sacred month and meant no disrespect. “I want to extend my sincerest apologies to the Muslim community, especially during this sacred month of Ramadan. I acknowledge and respect the significance of this time, and it was never my intention to offend or upset anyone with the proceedings of our premiere,” she said.

    She also apologised to women saying, “To the women in our society, I want to express my profound apologies. As a woman myself, I understand the importance of upholding and honouring our gender with dignity and respect. I want to assure you that I hold the utmost reverence for womanhood, and I would never intentionally engage in any behaviour that diminishes or disparages the role of women in our society.”

    She also specially apologised to veterans Femi Adebayo, his wife and Dayo Amusa who had gotten into a bitter exchange of words on social media over the matter. Ajao also apologised to Bobrisky for the controversy, stressing that she meant no harm.

    To amend her mistakes, she named two females as the Best Dressed, Bode Alao and another attendee from the premiere. She also vowed to pay each of them ₦1,000,000 as a token of her sincere apology.

    It is worthy of note that Ajao had previously admitted in an interview with Arise News TV, that picking Bobrisky was a deliberate action to promote the movie.

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